Pitchfork Pickle

Pitchfork Pickle makes vinegar brined and fermented vegetable pickles, krauts, kimchi and hot sauce using locally sourced Vermont produce. Owner Julia Irish worked at Pitchfork Farm and started The Pickle with Pitchfork Farm owners Eric Seitz and Rob Rock in 2019. Their goal was to use as much farm produce as possible to make seasonal, local pickles and ferments. When they have exhausted The Farm's supply of vegetables, they use a "bullseye approach," sourcing from other local and/or organic Vermont farms before looking elsewhere. They have a small retail shop in their production space, but their primary outlet is wholesale to grocery stores, farm stands, and restaurants in the greater Burlington and Stowe areas.

Pitchfork Pickle will use their VFF Business Builder Loan to build out a walk-in cooler to provide cold storage for their prepared products as well as local produce waiting to be pickled.