Southshire Meats

Southshire Meats is a Vermont based vertically integrated pastured meat company. Southshire was founded by the Regenerative Food Network (RFN) and Studio Hill Farm in 2019. RFN supports the growth of regional food initiatives with finance, infrastructure and technology. Studio Hill is a regenerative farm in southern Vermont. Southshire Meats has created a model to get family farmers paid better for what they grow and how they grow it. They serve the Vermont farmers in the middle. By providing animal processing, whole animal purchasing at a premium, and partnering with producers to implement holistic management, they are cultivating economic and ecological resilience in the region. Their marketing targets the local, organic, and regenerative value added markets in Boston and New York. Southshire Meats works with livestock producers, including but not limited to, sheep, and chicken producers.

In 2020 Southshire Meats opened a meat processing facility, Higley Hill Processing in Wilmington VT, which is also open to the community for animal processing. Their VFF loan will allow them to purchase processing equipment to increase efficiency at the facility and increase through put, as well as provide more processing capabilities for producers. Higley Hill is the first of many slaughter houses that Southshire Meats will operate.
